Teal Party – Heimdall’s horn

So last night at Hrafnar we were honoring Heimdall, and as usual, I throw in a guided meditation to let people talk to him inside as well as outside. As for myself, I was asking him to continue to keep an eye on the jotnar, especially the unbalanced ones. The sense I got was that he’d been watching them for some time, and by the way, why not put his horn in the center of that recycle symbol for the Teal Party?

From what I’ve been hearing, everybody’s gods seem to want to jump on that bandwagon. Clearly we’ll have to offer a number of options, with god-symbol of your choice. However Heimdall’s suggestion did have several advantages. For one, he doesn’t elicit the kind of nervous twitches some people get from Odin. But more important, Heimdall is the watchman– he’s seen the Global Warming problem coming for a long time. The gjallarhorn is meant to summon the gods and their allies to battle. If he blows it now, softly, maybe we can get enough done so that he won’t have to blow it again, loudly, to signal the beginning of Ragnarok in 2050.

We’ve been making a little progress. We managed to feed people at this meeting without using paper plates or cups.

lwood tells me that IKEA (also known as Fensalir by the Bay), is going to stop giving out plastic bags.

kaffee-spinne who carries a lot of relevant news, posted that John Edwards is planning an energy-efficient campaign, and has apparently picked up the banner dropped by Vilsack. Check out his website.


Quote of the day– on the Daily Show last night, Zbigniew Brezhenzky characterized the current Bush foreign policy as “Manichean paranoia”. What an elegant way to put it!