Lafayette, We Are Here!

Lorrie is letting me use her laptop for my own comment on today’s events. I’m still pretty jazzed by how well the Pagan Religious Rights Rally in Lafayette Square Park (across from the White House!) came off.

[And, as she’s just dropped into bed, I’m posting this to her LJ with her permission, and adding in links. — lwood]

This was a real pagan interfaith operation, and provided an opportunity to do some extremely useful networking regarding heathen military work, and a good boost toward fulfilling the boast I made at Trothmoot. Among the speakers at the rally were Mike Akins of the Military Pagan Network and Marcia Drewry a former staff sergeant who now runs the Sacred Well Congregation and is very active in military religious affairs. We traded e-dresses, and I think they will be very helpful in providing information in areas such as how to set up a faith-group on base. One thing we need to be aware of is that there are rarely enough members of any specific pagan tradition to run an all-heathen, or all Gardnerian, or whatever, group. The ones Fred Twombly (a Troth member on active duty in Iraq currently here on leave) has run, for instance included Wiccans as well as heathens. He will hopefully head up another one when he returns to Iraq.

It was really great to meet Fred at last. He’s a fine advertisement for both heathenry and the Army. Let’s all put in a word to the gods and his ancestors to keep him safe when he goes overseas. I am looking forward to his comments as I work on the heathen devotional manual.

I also had the chance to talk to Steve McNallen. One thing we all agree on is that the Hammer should be added to the VA list of faith-symbols, however for that to happen, someone’s kin have to apply for a tombstone. Our gods have been taking very good care of our serving personnel, and I’d like that situation to continue, so what we need is to find the next-of-kin of a deceased veteran who served in an earlier war who is willing to petition the VA for a heathen tombstone. If anyone knows of such a person, I can put them in touch with those who will be able to tell them what to do next.

[This was originally posted to heathen and Bay Area lists–I can add here that now that the Pentacle is on the list, the emphasis has now expanded to include both the Hammer and the Druids’ Awen. Part of the settlement the VA came to with Circle Sanctuary and Americans United for Separation of Church and State is that Circle can help other pagan groups get their symbols added to the list without the need for a decade-long battle and accompanying flock of lawsuits! Which, y’know, we hope not to need any time soon, so You Guys please not to be taking this as a hint to gift-wrap, please and thank you. — lwood]

The ritual went off very well. auntiematter and lwood both held down directions, and I got the speakers to read the words of the Founders. If you want to read it, you can go to the Freedom Fathers Project’s website. It is generic pagan in form, but contained enough subtle heathen references to make Steve grin. Thor held off the rain until after the ritual, and then provided a nice thunderstorm to clear the air.

I hope you all have had a happy Fourth of July. Raise a glass to thank Jefferson, Washington, Adams, Madison, and all the other American Alfar who fought so hard to create a nation where we are free to honor our gods.

[The Washington Post/Newsweek website, in their On Faith section, invited Diana to give a few words, which she gave them. Feel free to post a reply of your own! Reverend Barry Lynn, referenced below, is the guy in charge of Americans United and a minister in the United Church of Christ. He’s an excellent speaker, and Diana’s interview will be on his radio show, Culture Shocks, a syndicated radio program. Archives should be availabe on their website soon after the initial broadcast–we’ll let you know when! — lwood]

Oh, and I’m delighted that the piece in the Washington Post website came out today. Tomorrow I’m doing a phone interview with Barry Lynn of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State. We won’t have much e-mail access for the rest of the week, so have a good one.
